Friday, July 05, 2013

The Americans (Gordon Sinclair, 1973)

Welcome to Tony Island blog!

This editorial was written by a Canadian in 1973. It became so popular it was recorded and released as a hit tune. You can read its history on the Internet.

While it still holds up today, for the most part, there are some outdated things like the American dominance in airplanes. It's interesting to listen to it and think how far the US has gone downhill these past 40 years (in some regards, not all).

I'd really like your thoughts about this editorial. Would we see something similar today from a Canadian or any other nationality? Is it still true what it says about us in light of recent revelations (ie spying on our allies, war in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc)?

Please share your thoughts!

Thanks for reading Tony Island blog!

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular

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1812 Overture, Fireworks and Stars & Stripes Forever --- enjoy!

Happy Independence Day!!

The Bill of Rights (Rap version)

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Here's the Bill of Rights sung by "Rhythm, Rhyme and Results". Lyrics below video are by Evan Amick (from whose YouTube posting this video comes from)

Good version of the song.

It's the Bill of Rights, it's the bill of your rights
It's time to take your knowledge up to unfamiliar heights
The thrill of your life, just like riding a bike
You're never, never, never going to forget the Bill of Rights

Verse I
The right to free speech and religion and press
Are guaranteed by Amendment One
Amendment Number Two says it's true, that it's all up to you
If you choose to possess a gun

The government can't force you to house and feed a soldier
Says Amendment Number Three
Amendment Number Four we adore says without a warrant
Your stuff can't be searched or seized

Chorus (x2)

Verse II
Amendment Number Five says the court can't try you
With evidence they already used
It also says that nobody can make you self-incriminate
You're allowed to stay silent if you choose.

Amendment Number Six won't let the criminal clock tick
The rights of the accused continue here, and then
Amendment Number Seven gives you one plus eleven:
A right to a trial by a jury of your peers

If it's cruel and unusual punishment
It's ruled out by Amendment Eight
Amendment Number Nine says that other rights are fine
And Ten gives the rest to the states

We should keep in mind that some Framers of the Constitution thought that a Bill of Rights wasn't needed - that the Constitution itself was enough protection. Little did they know how wrong they were or how far we'd devolve from their original intentions.

Learn your Rights. They may come in handy some day!

Thanks for reading Tony Island blog!

Happy 4th of July!

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Happy 4th of July!

Here's another inspiring video - Proud to be an American by Lee Greenwood.

Cherish this never know when it will end.

Thanks for reading Tony Island blog!

Declaration of Independence (read by the NFL)

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Happy Fourth of July!

In 2008, the NFL read the Declaration of Independence before the Super Bowl. If you missed it or would like to see it again, here it is:

This is what our Fore Fathers fought and died for. Isn't it time we respected that and got our current tyrannical government off our backs?

Thanks for reading Tony Island blog!

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

America (My country Tis of Thee)

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Here's a wonderful rendition (with lyrics) of America (My Country 'Tis of Thee) sung by a children's choir.

Isn't that inspiring?

Thanks for reading Tony Island blog!

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Holiday Week - Inspirational Videos

Welcome to Tony Island blog!

I thought I'd try to be inspiring this week and reignite the passion that is America with some videos.

The first one is a classic rousing edition of God Bless America by Kate Smith.

Feel the passion building? I hope so!

Thanks for reading Tony Island blog!