Monday, March 31, 2014

Take a Guess who the Party of the Rich is?

Welcome to Tony Island blog!

Well, well...looks like the Democrats have been caught in yet another lie. The party of the rich isn't's Democrats! A recent post on MSN ( shows the following chart:

Here's a listing of the 10 richest House districts:
New York 12
Rep. Carolyn Maloney, Democrat
Per capita income: $75,479
California 33
Rep. Henry Waxman, Democrat
Per capita income: $61,273
New York 10
Rep. Jerry Nadler, Democrat
Per capita income: $56,138
California 18
Rep. Anna Eshoo, Democrat
Per capita income: $ 54,182
Connecticut 4
Rep. Jim Himes, Democrat
Per capita income: $50,732
Virginia 8
Rep. Jim Moran, Democrat
Per capita income: $50,210
New Jersey 7
Rep. Leonard Lance, Republican
Per capita income: $48,556
California 12
Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Democrat
Per capita income: $48,523
New York 3
Rep. Steve Israel, Democrat
Per capita income: $47,991
Virginia 10
Rep. Frank Wolf, Republican
Per capita income: $47,281

Check the URL for a bit more info.


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