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Well, well...looks like the Democrats have been caught in yet another lie. The party of the rich isn't Republicans...it's Democrats! A recent post on MSN (
http://news.msn.com/us/party-of-the-rich-in-congress-its-the-democrats) shows the following chart:
Here's a listing of the 10 richest House districts:
New York 12
Rep. Carolyn Maloney, Democrat
Per capita income: $75,479
California 33
Rep. Henry Waxman, Democrat
Per capita income: $61,273
New York 10
Rep. Jerry Nadler, Democrat
Per capita income: $56,138
California 18
Rep. Anna Eshoo, Democrat
Per capita income: $ 54,182
Connecticut 4
Rep. Jim Himes, Democrat
Per capita income: $50,732
Virginia 8
Rep. Jim Moran, Democrat
Per capita income: $50,210
New Jersey 7
Rep. Leonard Lance, Republican
Per capita income: $48,556
California 12
Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Democrat
Per capita income: $48,523
New York 3
Rep. Steve Israel, Democrat
Per capita income: $47,991
Virginia 10
Rep. Frank Wolf, Republican
Per capita income: $47,281
Check the URL
http://news.msn.com/us/party-of-the-rich-in-congress-its-the-democrats for a bit more info.
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